Ethical Governance - Ending the Political Corruption

“…and to keep our honor clean.” -Marines Hymn

There can be no ethical governance when our government officials can be legally bribed.

Right now, because of Citizens United and Buckley v Valeo, politicians can take obscene amounts of money from the ultra wealthy and mega-corporations, and big money means big influence. They pass legislation which cuts taxes and bails out the ultra wealthy and mega-corporations, which in turn leaves the tax burden on your shoulders and the shoulders of your kids and grand-kids.

It’s time to put a stop to that. Join the Movement for Ethical Governance!

The ultra wealthy and mega-corporations can take care of themselves. The corrupt politicians are quick to spend your money on corporate bailouts and scoff at the idea of spending money on you. It’s your taxes, they’re supposed to be spent on you!

Advocating for Ranked Choice Voting

A transformative policy for true representation. No more settling for the lesser evil – with RCV, you rank candidates based on your preferences. If your top pick doesn't cut it, your vote seamlessly moves to the next choice. This isn't just a vote; it's a strategic play, pushing candidates to appeal beyond their base. It's time for a political shake-up, fostering collaboration over division. RCV is more than a change; it's a policy revolution. Say goodbye to the old, and let's usher in an era where every vote counts, and every choice matters.

Ranked Choice Voting is more than just an electoral upgrade; it's a direct path to a healthier democracy. By giving voters the power to express their true preferences, we break free from the shackles of a two-party system. RCV fosters a diverse political landscape where third-party candidates have a fair shot, ensuring a dynamic representation of our communities. It's not just about counting votes differently; it's about elevating the voices of the people.

The significance of RCV extends beyond the ballot box; it aligns seamlessly with the core tenets of ethical governance. As we strive for transparency, accountability, and a government truly by the people, RCV stands as a cornerstone. By empowering voters with more choices and eliminating strategic voting, RCV redefines the electoral process, steering it away from the pitfalls of partisanship and paving the way for a political landscape that truly serves the people. Embracing Ranked Choice Voting is not just a change; it's a commitment to ethical, people-centric governance.

Advocating for Economic Justice for All Hoosiers

Advocating for economic justice for the lower 95% of Americans is essential for the economic health of this nation. Right now, 95% of Americans are not getting the financial compensation they require. Money is the lifeblood of this nation and must circulate through the economy and not clot in one place.

Promoting Workers Rights

Workers should be paid what they are worth.

Right now, if you have a job, it’s probably just a negotiation (if we can call it that) between you and your employer. They aren’t providing a service to you by giving you a job, you are providing them a service that makes you and your company money, and they are likely underpaying you and your colleagues.

Unions help tremendously with that, and we need to empower ourselves by empowering people to unionize.

Don’t let people tell you that paying union dues takes out of your pocket. Being paid fairly because you have a union will net you far more money and benefits than the average job.

Standing with your colleagues is far more effective than standing on your own.

Promoting Educational Excellence

Education should be accessible to all without creating insurmountable debt. Tuition-free public college ensures that financial burdens don’t hinder opportunities for education and skill development. This isn't just about personal freedom; it's an investment in a more educated, competitive, and prosperous society. By eliminating tuition fees, we empower individuals and strengthen our nation's workforce.

Promoting Universal Healthcare

“Healthcare is a human right!”

Our healthcare system should prioritize human well-being over profit margins. It's a fundamental ethical stance: health services, vital for life, shouldn't operate on profit motives that place a price on human life. In an ideal scenario, we aim for a national healthcare service devoid of profit-driven structures, similar to systems seen in other countries like the NHS. However, considering our current for-profit setup, advocating for Medicare For All stands as a pragmatic compromise.

The essence of Medicare For All lies in ensuring that every individual has access to quality healthcare without financial barriers or the risk of bankruptcy due to medical expenses. It's a step towards a more equitable healthcare system, despite not fully aligning with the model of a national healthcare service. Medicare For All promotes the vision of accessible healthcare, offering a path towards a fairer system within our current framework.

Promoting Personal Freedom and Privacy

“First to fight for right and freedom” -Marines Hymn

There’s no more important issue that the promotion of personal freedom and privacy. Right now our freedoms and privacy are under attack from every side, and we must make the moves to preserve them!

Whether it’s privacy being eroded for the purposes of corporate data mining and marketing or law enforcement invading our private lives for immoral search and seizures, we must slow and end the attack.

Every time that the political parties point fingers and blame each other, they attempt to take the freedoms of the other side which ultimately erodes everyone’s freedom, not just one side.

We have the right to be free and our lives private, and that can not be repeated or spoken (yelled) loudly enough.

Ending the Prohibition of Cannabis

This falls into two categories - Personal Freedom and Economics.

Just like the historical issue of alcohol prohibition, the prohibition of cannabis - rather than making money for ourselves and our economy - has only served to hurt the economy, spend an astronomical amount of money on enforcement, legal proceedings, and incarceration, and give our family, friends, and co-workers a loss of jobs, forfeiture of personal property, criminal records, jail time, and in many cases - the end of their lives. Furthermore the prohibition has massively strengthened violent cartels.

It’s time to end the prohibition of cannabis. It’s good for the people; it’s good for the economy.

Promoting Environmental Action

“Choose one's battles wisely.”

This a a battle worth fighting. Climate Change is happening, and it’s our duty to aggressively combat it. Our world will recover, to that I have no doubt but this is a clear and present danger to all of humanity.

This is the biggest threat that we have ever faced.

Whether you support ideas like The Green New Deal or other resolutions, it’s time to get together and put our heart, minds, and soul in to getting this work done.

The lives and livelihoods of our children and grandchildren depend on it.

Ending the Wars Abroad

“War is a racket” -Major General Smedley Butler, USMC

I don't think that looting nations is remotely acceptable, especially at the expense of civilian and service member blood. It's heinous and criminal.

Take it from Marine Corps Hero, Smedley Butler, War is a racket. With little exception, most wars are declared by the very wealthy by proxy of the very corrupt in order to loot the resources of other nations.

As Gene Debs once expressed, “It is the ultra-wealthy that declare the wars; they have everything to gain and nothing to lose. It’s the workers who ultimately fight all the battles; they have nothing to gain and everything to lose, especially their lives.“

With very little exception, cases such as genocide, humanitarian operations and the like; military intervention is not needed.

Statement of Support for a Ceasefire in Gaza

Statement of Support for 3rd Parties and Independents